Category Archives: SCAP

Security Content Automation Protocol – a set of standards for automated security compliance evaluation and remediation

This category includes blog posts about my contributions to OpenSCAP, SCAP Workbench, SCAP Security Guide and other related projects.

Evaluate Virtual Machines for SCAP Compliance

Recently I have been working on oscap-vm — a script that allows SCAP evaluation of virtual machines and virtual machine storage images. In a way it is similar to the other OpenSCAP wrapper utilities — oscap-ssh and oscap-docker. It was merged to OpenSCAP and will be part of 1.2.7 release, so let us introduce it.

oscap-vm mounts the storage of a VM and sets the oscap tool to scan it in offline mode. That means that you can scan a virtual machine from the host without installing OpenSCAP on it — you can perform an agent-less SCAP scan. Root rights are not required, if you are permitted to access and change the VM you are permitted to run oscap-vm on it. The virtual machine storage is mounted read-only, there is no risk of damage to the filesystem. Because of this you cannot automatically remediate a VM using this tool. If you want remediation functionality for virtual machines and containers, please tell us.

Both XCCDF and OVAL evaluation are supported. You can use plain XCCDF files, source datastreams or plain OVAL files.
Let’s go over a few use-cases. I am using a virtual machine called rhel7.2 in the following examples.

Evaluate a running VM

$ oscap-vm domain rhel7.2 xccdf eval --profile xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_stig-rhel7-server-upstream /usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/content/ssg-rhel7-ds.xml 
Mounting guestfs domain 'rhel7.2' to '/tmp/tmp.c69yOdlBNZ'...
Title   Encrypt Partitions
Rule    xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_encrypt_partitions
Ident   CCE-27128-8
Result  notchecked


Title   Create Warning Banners for All FTP Users
Rule    xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_ftp_present_banner
Result  pass

Unmounting '/tmp/tmp.c69yOdlBNZ'...

Evaluate a storage image

$ oscap-vm image /var/lib/libvirt/images/rhel7.2.qcow2 xccdf eval --profile xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_stig-rhel7-server-upstream /usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/content/ssg-rhel7-ds.xml 
Mounting guestfs image '/var/lib/libvirt/images/rhel7.2.qcow2' to '/tmp/tmp.PgfWcB0R4g'...
Title   Encrypt Partitions
Rule    xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_encrypt_partitions
Ident   CCE-27128-8
Result  notchecked


Title   Enable SSH Warning Banner
Rule    xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_sshd_enable_warning_banner
Ident   CCE-27314-4
Result  fail

Title   Create Warning Banners for All FTP Users
Rule    xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_ftp_present_banner
Result  pass

Unmounting '/tmp/tmp.PgfWcB0R4g'...

Check VM for CVE vulnerabilities

$ wget
$ oscap-vm domain rhel7.2 oval eval Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux_7.xml 
Mounting guestfs domain 'rhel7.2' to '/tmp/tmp.NbvfmaKHbZ'...
Definition oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20151852: false
Definition oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20151840: false
Definition oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20151834: false
Definition oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20151793: false
Definition oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20140685: false
Definition oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20140684: false
Definition oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20140680: false
Definition oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20140679: false
Definition oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20140678: false
Definition oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20140675: false
Evaluation done.
Unmounting '/tmp/tmp.NbvfmaKHbZ'...

SCAP Security Guide now has an HTML guide for each profile

In the past the SCAP Security Guide project built one or just a few HTML guides for some chosen profiles. The build system also used a special profile called allrules which is no longer supported since OpenSCAP 1.1.0. This caused issues when building SSG against new versions of OpenSCAP.

To fix it once and for all I have created a pull request that has been merged and has been released as part of SSG 0.1.24. Since then SSG builds one guide for each profile and provides an index file that allows user to switch between the profiles. The reasoning for building so many guides is that if we ship a profile it is important enough to warrant shipping an HTML guide for it as well.

Here is how the new profile switcher looks like:


I have uploaded the RHEL6 guides with the profile switcher to fedorapeople, take a look:

We plan to install these guides in downstream packages (e.g. Fedora). Instead of bundling them with the main package we will create a subpackage -doc with the guides and other optional documentation material.

Feedback appreciated! Do you think we should upload these guides somewhere for people to browse? Are there any features missing?

Customizing HTML reports and guides in OpenSCAP 1.1.0 and higher


OpenSCAP 1.1.0 introduced brand new HTML5 report and guide styles. These were a result of an almost complete rewrite of all the XSLT code. See openscap HTML report redesign for more info.

This rewrite changed the way the reports and guides can be customized. This blog post will go through all the steps necessary to customize the reports from both the downstream packager perspective and the user perspective. We will focus on branding because this is the most requested customization. Users will be able to change the logo, header and footer of reports and guides.

Downstream branding

After installing openscap of version 1.1.0 or higher, let us look at various files in /usr/share/openscap/xslt.

$ ls -1 /usr/share/openscap/xsl/


The xccdf-report.xsl is the entry point to the XSLT stylesheet, it specifies which parameters are needed and does some initial negotiation like guessing which benchmark the user wants to generate for. The xccdf-report-impl.xsl is the most interesting file, it contains most of the logic. xccdf-share.xsl contains various template code needed in both guide and report, to avoid code duplication.

Let us focus on a file called xccdf-branding.xsl. This file was designed specifically to help with downstream branding. If we look inside we will see 5 named templates:

  • xccdf-branding-logo
  • xccdf-report-header
  • xccdf-report-footer
  • xccdf-guide-header
  • xccdf-guide-footer

Their meaning should be self explanatory. The downstreams can patch those to insert a different logo or even different texts. Changes to this file will affect every user that runs oscap xccdf generate guide or oscap xccdf generate report.

Example of changed xccdf-report-header – different header:

<xsl:template name="xccdf-report-header">
    <nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">
        <div class="navbar-header" style="float: none">
            <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">
                <xsl:call-template name="xccdf-branding-logo"/>
            <div><h1>Security Compliance Report</h1></div>

Example of changed xccdf-report-footer – downstream ticket system hint:

<xsl:template name="xccdf-report-footer">
    <footer id="footer">
        <div class="container">
            <p class="muted credit">
                Please report any issues to the <a href="">ticket system</a>. Generated using <a href="">OpenSCAP</a>
                <xsl:if test="$oscap-version">
                    <xsl:value-of select="concat(' ', $oscap-version)"/>

The OpenSCAP team would really appreciate if you kept some link to the upstream but the license does not enforce or even require that.

User branding

Sometimes you might want to change the branding just for this one use-case without affecting all users on the system.

This is not commonly used and as such may have more issues than when using the system-wide XSLTs!

Let us copy the XSLTs as they are into a folder where we will do all the changes we need.

cp -r /usr/share/openscap/xsl ~/custom-oscap-xsl
cd ~/custom-oscap-xsl

We can now do all the customizations similarly to the previous section. Lets change the header from OpenSCAP Evaluation Report to Security Compliance Report in xccdf-branding.xsl. Save the changes and proceed to generate a report. Instead of using oscap xccdf generate report we have to use oscap xccdf generate custom --stylesheet $OUR_STYLESHEET

cd ~/custom-oscap-xsl
oscap xccdf generate custom --stylesheet ~/custom-oscap-xsl/xccdf-report.xsl arf.xml > report.html
firefox report.html

We can see that the report has “Security Compliance Report” as heading instead of “OpenSCAP Evaluation Report”.

The oscap xccdf generate custom code path in the oscap tool does not offer as many parameters as generate report or generate guide do. There parameters may have to be passed in a different way, even hard-coded into the XSL template if necessary! It all depends on the use-case.

What about OpenSCAP 1.0.x?

The method outlined in User branding also works with OpenSCAP 1.0.x. While the new reports are not regularly tested with OpenSCAP 1.0.x they seem to work fine. Use at your own risk!

$ cd ~/custom-oscap-xsl
$ oscap --v
OpenSCAP command line tool (oscap) 1.0.11
Copyright 2009--2015 Red Hat Inc., Durham, North Carolina.

oscap xccdf generate custom --stylesheet ~/custom-oscap-xsl/xccdf-report.xsl arf.xml > report.html
firefox report.html

Scanning remote machines with OpenSCAP


oscap-ssh has recently been merged into OpenSCAP 1.2.x and is available in the OpenSCAP 1.2.3 release, see This new tool enables painless transparent remote machine scanning with the familiar oscap argument syntax. The functionality was inspired by SCAP Workbench remote scan.


The script is designed to be as lean as possible. It is usable even outside the openscap context. It requires just bash, ssh, scp and mktemp to perform OVAL and XCCDF evaluation of remote machines. These tools are readily available on all Linux distributions, BSDs, MacOS X and even Windows via Cygwin.

The remote machine has to have oscap installed and in $PATH. This can be accomplished by installing openscap-scanner (or openscap-utils if openscap-scanner is not available) on the remote machine. On the local machine in most cases you just need to download the script and chmod +x it.

What follows is a walk through a typical usage of the script. The output has been shortened for brevity. OVAL evaluation would be very similar, the documentation included in the script should be enough to get it working.


oscap-ssh user@host SSH_PORT --v
oscap-ssh user@host SSH_PORT info INPUT_CONTENT
oscap-ssh user@host SSH_PORT xccdf eval INPUT_CONTENT
oscap-ssh user@host SSH_PORT oval eval INPUT_CONTENT

Example 1

The following command evaluates a remote Fedora machine as root. HTML report is written out as report.html on the local machine. Can be executed from any machine that has ssh, scp and bash. The local machine does not need to have openscap installed.

$ oscap-ssh root@ 22 xccdf eval --profile xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_common --report report.html /usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/content/ssg-fedora-ds.xml

The output:

Connecting to 'root@' on port '22'...
root@'s password:
Copying input file '/usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/content/ssg-fedora-ds.xml' to remote working directory '/tmp/tmp.yEsdWV54ry'...

Starting the evaluation...
Title   gpgcheck Enabled In Main Yum Configuration
Rule    xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_ensure_gpgcheck_globally_activated
Result  pass

Title   gpgcheck Enabled For All Yum Package Repositories
Rule    xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_ensure_gpgcheck_never_disabled
Result  fail


Title   Enable the NTP Daemon
Rule    xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_service_ntpd_enabled
Result  fail

Title   Specify a Remote NTP Server
Rule    xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_ntpd_specify_remote_server
Result  fail

oscap exit code: 2
Copying back requested files...

Removing remote temporary directory...
Disconnecting ssh and removing master ssh socket directory...

report.html is now on the local machine and can be opened there. The connection to the remote machine is closed, no temporary data remains on the remote machine.

Example 2

A more full example, uses a tailoring file and also copies back ARF and XCCDF results. The tailoring file is automatically copied from local machine to remote.

$ oscap-ssh root@ 22 xccdf eval --profile xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_common --report report.html --results results.xml --results-arf arf.xml --tailoring-file ssg-fedora-ds-tailoring.xml /usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/content/ssg-fedora-ds.xml

The output:

Connecting to 'root@' on port '22'...
root@'s password:
Copying input file '/usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/content/ssg-fedora-ds.xml' to remote working directory '/tmp/tmp.yVy6snyC88'...

Copying tailoring file 'ssg-fedora-ds-tailoring.xml' to remote working directory '/tmp/tmp.yVy6snyC88'...

Starting the evaluation...
Title gpgcheck Enabled In Main Yum Configuration
Rule xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_ensure_gpgcheck_globally_activated
Result pass

Title gpgcheck Enabled For All Yum Package Repositories
Rule xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_ensure_gpgcheck_never_disabled
Result fail


Title Enable the NTP Daemon
Rule xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_service_ntpd_enabled
Result fail

Title Specify a Remote NTP Server
Rule xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_ntpd_specify_remote_server
Result fail

oscap exit code: 2
Copying back requested files...

Removing remote temporary directory...
Disconnecting ssh and removing master ssh socket directory...

Future plans

Most if not all SCAP content requires root access to evaluate. So it is expected that the user will login as root to a remote machine. At the same time the guidances recommend to disallow root ssh access. This creates ironic situations where remote scanning and remediating the machine cuts of the access.

We hope to solve this in the future by logging in as normal user and running sudo before scanning.


Scanning remote machines is now almost as easy as scanning local ones. For use-cases where the user has public-key authentication setup the scanning is truly painless.

I believe this script might be very valuable for content authors and auditors. In the future I expect SCAP Workbench to use this script instead of its own code for remote scanning. The migration will have to wait until OpenSCAP 1.2.3+ is available on platforms where Workbench ships.

SCAP Workbench 1.1.0

The new SCAP Workbench is out! This is the biggest release to date. We focused on improving the typical use-case of tailoring and remote scanning. This is also the first release to have Windows and MacOS X support!

Update: Thanks to the great work of Jakub Jelen, we now have a testing release for Windows that supports remote scan! Give it a try, report any issues: SCAP Workbench 1.1.1 will be released some time soon and will have remote scanning from Windows included.

Fedora updates for F22, F21 and F20 are pending. Testing and karma would be greatly appreciated! This release brings so many fixes and does not break existing use-cases that I decided to push it to older Fedoras as well. Even though it is a major release.


sw-1.1.0_1 sw-1.1.0_2

sw-1.1.0_3 sw-1.1.0_4

What’s new?

1.1.0 is a packed major release, the number of changes is second only to the 0.8.0 C++ rewrite.

  • Windows support – including a native MSI installer
  • MacOS X support – including a native dmg image
  • Complete redesign of the main window, with rich-text rule descriptions
  • Better SCAP Security Guide integration
  • Tailoring window greatly improved – shows relationships between values and rules
  • Opens bzip2 files
  • Performance improvements when loading big SCAP files
  • Countless UX improvements
  • And a lot more, a total of 49 tickets fixed, plus fixes merged from maintenance branches

Where to report issues?

The best place to report issues is the trac bug tracker. However I also accept reports via the mailing list or even comments to this blog post.